The Langley
Technical Report Server (LTRS) contains formal reports
published by Langley researchers. Users can browse or search
bibliographic information as well as retrieve the related
abstracts and full text of the reports. Most reports are
stored in compressed Postscript format or PDF format.
Technical Report Server (NTRS) contains formal reports
published by NASA researchers. This service allows users to
search the many abstract and technical report servers
maintained by various NASA centers and programs.
report server for the
National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics provides scanned
NACA reports authored by researchers from all NACA sites. NACA
was the predecessor organization to NASA, active from
1917-1958. Reports are available in GIF and PDF formats.
CFD Books
Here is a list of books I recommend for those interested in computational gasdynamics
Собрание ссылок на научные поисковые системы, электронные архивы, средства поиска научных статей. Также имеются разделы по нейронным сетям и численным методам.
Scirus Scirus is the most comprehensive science-specific search engine available on the Internet. Driven by the latest search engine technology, it enables scientists, students and anyone searching for scientific information to chart and pinpoint data, locate university sites and find reports and articles quickly and easily. It was launched by Elsevier Science, the leading international publisher of scientific information.
e-Print archive. Лос-Аламосский архив электронных публикаций. Это коллекция копий статей по физике, математике, нелинейной динамике, computer science. Цель создания - свободный обмен научной информацией. Сознательные авторы размещают здесь свои статьи до опубликования, а иногда и вовсе без этого. Содержит поисковую систему по тематическим разделам.
Elsevier. Поиск по журналам издательства Elsevier (Phisics Letters A, Phisica D itc.)
Springer. Поиск по журналам издательства Springer (Cybernatic itc.)