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Main \ Results \ Compressible flows \ RAE 2822 transonic airfoil

1. Cook, P.H., M.A. McDonald, M.C.P. Firmin, "Aerofoil RAE 2822 - Pressure Distributions, and Boundary Layer and Wake Measurements," Experimental Data Base for Computer Program Assessment, AGARD Report AR 138, 1979.

Table 1. Freestream conditions.
Mach number Reynolds Number Angle-of-Attack (deg) Static Pressure (psia) Temperature(R)
0.729 6.5 million 2.31 15.80734 460.0

Figure 1. The Mach number contours for the RAE 2822 transonic airfoil.

Figure 2. The pressure contours for the RAE 2822 transonic airfoil.

Figure 3. Plot of the pressure coefficients on the RAE 2822 airfoil. Dots- experiment [1], line - simulation results.

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