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Main \ Results \ Incompressible flows \ Flow around cylinder

Flow around cylinder Re=100. Vortex trail. Pressure distribution

Impulsevly started cylinder flow around. Pressure distribution

Fotos from: М.Van-Dyke An Album of Fluid Motion. The Parabolic Press. Stanford. California, 1982.
Numerical results: Кудинов П.И. Численное моделирование развития отрывного течения за цилиндром при больших числах Рейнольдса // Вiсник Днiпропетровського унiверситету. Серiя Механiка. -2000. Випуск 3. -Т.1. -С.62-74.

Impulsevly started cylinder flow around. Instantaneous streamlines. Re=500. tU/d=1

Impulsevly started cylinder flow around. Instantaneous streamlines. Re=500. tU/d=3


Impulsevly started cylinder flow around. Instantaneous streamlines. Re=5000. tU/d=1


Impulsevly started cylinder flow around. Instantaneous streamlines. Re=5000. tU/d=3


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